
HumanSport Total Legs

Walk strong and tall with the HumanSport® Total Legs machine. No other machine addresses the strength and movement patterns of our lower half better than this piece. Weaknesses will be revealed as the user must perform exercises in a fully functional position. Hip Flexors, quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, adductors and abductors are worked in "real life" modalities with virtually no adjustments. The result: the most efficient, productive leg/glute workout around!

Multiple lower extremity anterior training including hip stabilization and flexion, knee extension and resisted dorsiflexion of the ankle.
Multiple lower extremity posterior training including hip stabilization and hip extension, knee flexion and knee extension.
Single leg motions can be combined and performed with high, moderate or no outside stabilization to facilitate balance and core training.
Unique anterior foot harness accommodates users of all sizes.
Unique posterior foot harness allows users to turn the body sideways and perform hip abduction and adduction.
Raised platform and stabilization handles provide ideal positioning for hip, knee and ankle exercises.
Stack Weight- 2x176.

Contact our sales manager for more information.