
HumanSport Pull Lift

Limitless! Trainers, members and clients will be amazed with how many movement options are possible with the PullLift. The design of this piece provides the perfect structure for compound movements- the heart of functional training. Even teaching basic movements such as: squats, dead lifts and lunges becomes easier and safer with the PullLift as the pulleys aide in balance. Add a stability ball to the platform and pulling or pressing modalities engage the core and stimulate balance.

Multiple high pulley motions including: pulling, press downs, core rotation, assisted squatting and lunging
Numerous lower body movements including: squats, lunges, dead lifts and calf raises
High and low pulling and rotational movements can be combined with stepping and lunging to incorporate total body 3-Dimensional movements
Various upper body motions including: biceps curls, shrugs, rows and presses
Unilateral or bilateral use
Exercises can be performed on or off the platform, now enhanced with non-slip molded insert
Two weight stacks design allows for multiple training options: unilateral exercise for improved muscle balance; multiple users simultaneously during group exercise classes; improved oneon- one personal training experience for client to mirror trainer during exercise
Low 5 lbs (2.3 kg) starting resistance is ideal for rehabilitation
Lock N Load® weight selection

Contact our sales manager for more information.